Historic Preservation
Adopting a local preservation ordinance, appointing a preservation commission, and designating historic resources is one of the best ways for the Town of Dubach to protect the historic character of its buildings, neighborhoods, and landmarks from inappropriate alterations, incompatible new construction, as well as outright demolition. For additional questions about the Historic Preservation Commission, feel free to give us a call. We will gladly assist you.
The Autrey House ( a log dog trot house built in 1849) and the Dog Trot House are two main historical features of Dubach. Both houses are open year round for visitation. They showcase the pioneering ingenuity of our local people. In addition, they make great photograph venues. The Autrey House is located off hwy 151 and the Dog Trot House is off hwy 167. NO RESERVATIONS NEEDED

Autrey House